亚马逊又搞什么鬼呀!?什么是符合性声明DOC?!亚马逊都没有消停过!大量卖家怨声载道 ,这究竟是什么原因呢?为什么会对玩具/车充/充电器/电池类产品如此严格!?
Dear seller,
thank you for your application to sell the restricted category at Amazon.de.
It’s been my pleasure to review the application that you have submitted to us.
Unfortunately, I must inform you that we are unable to approve your application at this time as the documents hasn't met our prerequisites.
- product pictures do not meet requirements
- declaration of conformity does not meet requirements
A Declaration of Conformity that states it is compliant with the relevant directives and harmonized standards. You’re welcome to contact the EU standards board directly for further information regarding what requirements are necessary for your product: http:/ec.europa.eu
You may reapply again any time.